Rabbi Gershom - Übersetzung nach Englisch
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Rabbi Gershom - Übersetzung nach Englisch

Rabbenu Gershom; Rabbeinu Gershom; Gershom Ben Judah; R. Gershom; Gershom ben judah; Gershom Ben Yehuda; Rabbeinu Gershon; Gershom Me'or ha-Golah; Gershom of Mainz; Gershom of Mayence; Cherem Rabbeinu Gershom; Gerschom ben Jehuda

Rabbi Gershom      
n. Rabbi Gershom, Rabbenu Gershom (960-1040), Vorsitzender der Mainzer Yeshivah berühmt für seine Verbote (verbat Polygamie, die Scheidung von einer Frau gegen ihren Willen und die Preisgabe privater Postnachrichten)
Orthodox Rabbi         
  • Rabbi instructing children in 2004
  • Rabbi [[Moshe Feinstein]], a leading Rabbinical authority for Orthodox Judaism of the second half of the twentieth century.
  • chaplain]] insignia, U.S. Air Force
Rabbis; Rabbenu; Rabbi Father; Rabboni; Orthodox Rabbi; Rabbi and Rabbinism; רִבִּי; Ribbi; רַבִּי; Ha-Rav; Rabbanim; רַבָּנִים; רַבָּי; Mora DeAsra; Mora D'Asra; Mara d'atra; Female rabbi
orthodoxer Rabbiner
Yehuda haNasi         
  • The [[Galilee]] in [[Late Antiquity]]
Judah Ha-Nasi; Judah I; Judah HaNasi; Rabbi Judah Hanasi; Yehuda hanasi; Yehuda HaNasi; Rabbi Yehuda and the Animals; Rabbi Yehuda ha-Nasi; Yehuda Ha-Nasi; Rabbi Yehuda Ha-Nasi; Rabbenu ha-Kadosh; Rabbi Judah Ha-Nasi; Rebbi; Yehudah Nesiah I; Juda Hakkodesh; Judah ha-Nasi I; Judah the prince; Yehudah hanasi; Rav yehudah hanasi; Rabbi Judah the Prince; Rabbi Judah the prince; Yehudah haNasi; Rav yehudah haNasi; Judah hanasi; Judah Al-Hazi; Rabbi Yehuda haNasi; Y'huda haNasi; Rabbenu HaQadosh; Our Holy Rabbi; Judah haNasi; Rabeinu HaKadosh; Yehudah HaNasi; Judah the Prince; Yehuda the Nasi; Yehuda HaNassi
Jehuda haNasi (Päsident der Juden; Rabbiner)


¦ noun (plural rabbis)
1. a Jewish scholar or teacher, especially of Jewish law.
2. a Jewish religious leader.
rabbinate 'rab?n?t noun
OE, via eccles. L. and Gk from Heb. rabbi 'my master', from ra? 'master'.


Gershom ben Judah

Gershom ben Judah, (c. 960 -1040) best known as Rabbeinu Gershom (Hebrew: רבנו גרשום, "Our teacher Gershom") and also commonly known to scholars of Judaism by the title Rabbeinu Gershom Me'Or Hagolah ("Our teacher Gershom the light of the exile"), was a famous Talmudist and Halakhist.

Less than a century after Gershom's death Rashi said of him, "all members of the Ashkenazi diaspora are students of his." As early as the 14th century, Asher ben Jehiel wrote that Rabbeinu Gershom's writings were "such permanent fixtures that they may well have been handed down on Mount Sinai."

He is most famous for the synod he called around 1000 CE, in which he instituted various laws and bans, including prohibiting polygamy, requiring the consent of both parties to a divorce, modifying the rules concerning those who became apostates under compulsion, and prohibiting the opening of correspondence addressed to someone else.